How To Build an Email List

Knowing how to build an email list is an essential priority for many businesses. It allows you to get in touch with your target audience, and it also helps you create brand awareness and trust. However, there are right and wrong ways to go about creating an email list for your business. In this blog post, we’re going to give you some secrets about how to build an email list–the right way!

How to Build an Email List

Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is something that entices your audience to give you their email in exchange for whatever it may be. If you want your lead magnet to make an impact, it should be so amazing; you almost can’t believe you’re giving it away for free. You want people to feel that giving their email address is a small price to pay for what they’re getting in return. Lead magnets can be any one-time offer from a coupon, a free download, a course, book, product, or even a one-on-one with you. It all depends on your business and what you feel fits best into the role of lead magnet. 


Newsletters are a great way to build an email list, and still offer something of value in return for your readers. Think of a newsletter as an exclusive sort of sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes of your business. You don’t even necessarily have to write them to be about your business, specifically. They can be about your industry in general, a list of tips and tricks related to your business, a funny story, or anything else that gives those who signed up something a bit more special and intimate than just what’s posted on your blog and socials. Newsletters help you to build a more personal connection with your target audience. 

Coupons/Limited Time Offers

If your business offers some kind of product or service that you can offer for free–or significantly discounted–an email is an excellent way for readers to claim the offer. You get another email for your list, and they get a great deal on something they need. Not only does this open a door for you to chat more with them, but if they like what they receive, they will also share it with their friends! This can get you even more emails, happy customers, and good publicity with the people your business can help.


For people who love your business, asking them to sign up for notifications about the newest happenings is another excellent way to build your email list. You can send out emails when you release a new product or service, add a new blog post, have a poll you’d like feedback on, and much more. The options are endless, and it also allows your audience to get to know you and your business that much better.

We hope that this quick list of how to build an email list has inspired you to get creative with your list-building endeavors! If you want more guidance or just need someone to handle this part of your business for you, please reach out to us! We would love to help you build your email list and to reach your business goals.

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